Job Seeker Profile Status Inquiry Service

This service is provided by the Ministry of Labour and Social Development to job seekers, as it allows them to view their information and data registered in the employment system with the status of the file (open / closed) as well as the reasons for closing the file, if any.
Launch eService

    • ِApplicant must be registered as a job seeker in the employment system.

  1. Start the eService, the system will request the primary electronic key (eKey).

  2. Enter the primary electronic key (eKey).

  3. Firstly, the basic information of the job seeker will appear (ID number, Name, IBAN, etc.).

  4. Secondly, the status of the file with the employment office will appear as “closed” or “open” at the bottom of the page.

  5. The status "Open" appears when the searcher complies with all the conditions that apply to the job seeker, and the status "Closed" appears in a different case with the reasons.



  1. Commitment to record attendance and appointments.
  2. The candidate must not reject any  job opportunities and training.

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